Escuela de Verano BIM para la Construcción Sostenible
2 Weeks
Francés, Inglés
Tiempo completo
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EUR 1000
En el campus
Dirigida a estudiantes franceses e internacionales de ingeniería, la Escuela de verano es un programa que sumerge a sus participantes en el corazón de las cuestiones de la construcción sostenible en una ciudad inteligente. Su objetivo es permitir la reflexión, el intercambio y la puesta en común entre estudiantes franceses e internacionales de todos los orígenes sobre las aportaciones relacionadas con los temas relacionados con el desarrollo sostenible, como el BIM, las ciudades inteligentes, los ecobarrios y la descarbonización. Esta Escuela de verano no solo le permitirá descubrir nuevos enfoques y tecnologías, sino que también le ofrecerá conferencias y trabajos prácticos realizados por reconocidos expertos en su campo. Las visitas culturales a empresas, laboratorios y lugares emblemáticos completarán el programa.
Choosing CESI’s International Programs
As an international, French-speaking, and English-speaking student, you have the opportunity to study different CESI programs in France, depending on your education level, ranging from undergraduate degrees to post-graduate degrees, or equivalent degrees obtained abroad:
- ‘Grande École’ Program (Master’s Degree)
- Master’s Degree in Engineering
- Master’s Degree in Computer Science
- Executive Post-Graduate Programs®
Some of our programs offer a so-called preparatory year, enabling you to improve your academic or language skills and, thus, making it easier for you to continue your studies: Engineering Degree Pathway.
Because welcoming you is one of CESI’s commitments, our teams will support you in preparing for your arrival and taking care of all administrative procedures, whatever program you choose.
The international aspect is at the heart of our strategic and educational plan. What’s the goal? To offer you a truly multicultural experience, an opportunity to broaden your horizons, and a window to the job market in France and abroad. All CESI training programs meet European and international standards, particularly by splitting the academic year into semesters or delivering ECTS credits. Moreover, CESI holds the ERASMUS+ charter and works with many international players such as Campus France or the CDIO Initiative.
Plan de estudios
July 8
- Welcome speech
- Campus tour
- Fab'Lab Virtual Reality
- The Climate Fresco Understand climate change in 3 hours
July 9
- Project: BIM & SIM (Revit and GIS)
- Fab'Lab
July 10
- Project: BIM & SIM (Revit and GIS)
- Fab'Lab
July 11
- Biomimicry
- Project: BIM & SIM (Revit and GIS)
July 12
- Project: BIM & SIM (Revit and GIS)
- Fab'Lab
- Visits and culture (Visit and BIM exploration of the architecture of the Louis Vuitton Foundation)
July 15
- SIAAP: Practical work
July 16
- Conference: Recycled concrete
- Concrete 3D Printer - Mini Printer (Uni, Cergy)
July 17
- Project: BIM & SIM (Revit and GIS)
- Fab'Lab
- Visits and culture (Paris)
July 18
- Project: BIM & SIM (Revit and GIS)
- Fab'Lab
- Project: Reality captures
July 19
- Defense of end of Summer projects
- REX Graduation report